Tuesday, May 07, 2013


VA7AEJ is now a Radio Amateurs of Canada - Official Bulletin Station.

Radio Amateurs of/du Canada
RAC Field Organization
Official RAC Field Organization Appointment Description
Official Bulletin Station (OBS)
            Rapid dissemination of information is the lifeblood of an active, progressive organization. The RAC Official Bulletin Station network provides a vital communications link for informing the amateur community of the latest developments in Amateur Radio and RAC. RAC bulletins, containing up-to-the-minute news and information of Amateur Radio, are issued by RAC Headquarters as soon as such news "breaks."
            To serve the greatest possible "audience," OBS appointees who can send RAC bulletins over VHF repeaters and via uploading to packet bulletin board systems (PBBS) are of maximum usefulness and much in demand.  If possible, an OBS who can copy bulletins directly from Internet (or the Bulletin Manager) should be assigned to each major repeater in the section. Bulletins should be transmitted regularly, perhaps in conjunction with a VHF repeater net, on a repeater "bulletin board" (tone-accessed recorded announcements for repeater club members), or via a RTTY or packet (computer) mailbox, if one is functioning locally.
Duties and requirements of the OBS include the following:
1. OBS candidates are required to have and maintain full RAC membership and hold a Basic or higher Amateur Operator’s Certificate of Qualification (or equivalent, as stipulated by the Radiocommunications Regulations).  They should always operate radio equipment only within the limits and privileges of the certificate and qualification held.
2. Retransmission of RAC bulletins must be made at least once per week to maintain appointment.
3. OBS candidates are appointed by the Section Manager (or by the Bulletin Manager, if the SM so delegates) and must adhere to a schedule that is mutually agreeable.
4. OBS appointees should send a monthly activity report (such as FSD-210 under "Schedules and Net Affiliations") to the Bulletin Manager, indicating bulletin transmissions made and generally updating the Bulletin Manager to any OBS-related activities. This reporting arrangement may be modified by the Bulletin Manager as he/she sees fit.
5. As directed by the Bulletin Manager, OBSs will include in their bulletin transmissions news of local, section and regional interest.
            Recruitment of new hams and RAC members is an integral part of the job of every appointee.  Appointees should take advantage of every opportunity to recruit a new ham or member to foster growth of Field Organization programs and our abilities to serve the public.

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